MSM - methylsufonylmethane
What is MSM?
MSM is not a medicine, drug or a food additive. It is a
nutritional food supplement found in all foods-milk, fruits, meats and vegetables. MSM is
a natural form of organic sulfur found in all living organisms. Sulfur is the 3rd
largest component found in the human body. Your body consists of water, salt, and
essentially, MSM.
Why do we need MSM?
The body uses MSM to create new, good, healthy cells.
Vitamins and amino acids work with MSM during this process. Without proper levels of
nutrtional sulfur, our bodies are unable to build good, healthy cells, and this leads to
illness. Our bodies are producing new cells 24 hours per day. If your body doesnt
receive proper nutrition and building materials, it will produce bad, dysfunctional cells,
deficient in the basic ingredients that constitute a healthy cell. If we want a healthy,
flexible cell, capable of maintaining good health, we need to supplement our diets with
MSM, to enable the body to heal itself. Your body knows what it needs better than any
doctor. It will use MSM wherever it is needed most in your system. Give your body the MSM
it needs so it can provide more nutrition and heal itself.
If MSM is found in all foods, why do we need to
supplement with MSM?
Because of its volatile nature, MSM is quickly lost
from food when it is processed, cooked and/or stored. The moment you pick fruit or
vegetables from the tree or vine, it begins losing MSM. Even in meats, MSM is not as
abundant as it used to be. Today, animals are being fed with dried, stored grasses, hay
and grains, deficient in MSM. When your body uses the MSM molecule to produce a new cell,
it is consumed in the process, and the MSM is lost forever. We need to continuously
replenish the bodys needed supply of dietary sulfur to produce new, good, healthy
cells. A conventional diet does not supply the minimum requirement of sulfur. It is absent
in synthetic food additives, dietary mineral compositions, food substitutes and most
fillers used to dilute or modify foods. With todays modern diet of cooked and
otherwise processed and diluted foods, most - if not all diets of civilized man are
deficient in this critically important ingredient.
How safe is MSM?
MSM is as safe as drinking pure water. Because of its
inert nature, MSM is non-allergenic, non-pyretic, and has no interfering or undesirable
pharmacological effects. It can even be used as a safe blood diluent. You cannot overdose
with MSM. The body will use what it needs, and after 12 hours, will flush any excess
amounts out of the body. MSM will flush what the body does not retain semi-permanently
every 12 hours, and because it is a free radical and foreign protein scavenger, MSM cleans
the blood stream, so allergies to food and pollens go away in about 3 or 4 days. To
maintain good, healthy cells, take MSM in the morning and the evening.
MSM: An Essential Dietary Sulfur!
MSM was first isolated by Robert Herschler and Dr.
Stanley Jacob of the University of Oregon Medical School. MSM, or methylsufonylmethane, is
a natural sulfur compound, found in all living things. In his research, Dr. Jacob
determined that the sulfur in MSM, called a sufonyl, because of its bond between sulfur
and oxygen, is as safe and as important as vitamin C in our diet, unlike other sulfurs:
sulfa, sulfate, sulfite and sulfide.
Why do we need Sulfur in our Diets?
MSM comes from the ocean and is a prime source of
bioavailable sulfur, which is lost from our food by processing, drying, cooking and
preserving. MSM is an important food (not a drug or medicine) and plays many roles in the
body, including the stimulation of the growth of healthy skin, hair and nails. It is
needed by the body for healthy, connective tissues and joint function, proper enzyme
activity and hormone balance, along with the proper function of the immune system.
Because bioavailable nutritional sulfur plays such a major
role in these healthy body functions and others, it was found that supplementation with
MSM may balance the body nutrtionally against deficient sulfur conditions such as:
allergies, asthma, emphysema, lung dysfunction, arthritis, head aches, skin problems,
stomach problems, digestive tract problems, circulation, cell osmosis and absorption.
How does MSM function?
MSM makes cell walls permeable, allowing water and
nutrients to freely flow into cells and allowing wastes and toxins to properly flow out.
Amino acids, which are all sulfur-bonders, are the building blocks of the body. Each one
plays a major role in the production of hormones and enzymes, which regulate the
bodys activities. MSM and vitamin C are used
together in the body to build healthy new cells. MSM provides the flexible bond between
amino acids in proteins. Without proper sulfur content, the new cell is not permeable, and
osmosis is hampered. These cells lose their flexibility as seen by scar tissue, wrinkles,
varicose veins, hardened arteries or damaged lung tissues (emphysema).
What Dosage of MSM should I take?
It is estimated that the human body uses approximately
1/8 teaspoon of MSM each day! It needs to be replaced every day! Good health practices
involve replacing essential substances that our bodies naturally use up or lose through
illness or abuse. If you are physically active and get sore muscles after such activity,
try 1/2 teaspoon and you will notice a difference. Keep in mind that the body is much more
abused by toxins and free-radicals in the metropolitan cities than in rural areas and may
require more MSM to maintain optimum health. The level of dis-ease your body is
experiencing will also affect the amount of MSM needed to carry out daily function and
proper repair of cells. Some people will take between 1-3 teaspoons depending on the level
of energy and wellness they wish to obtain. You cannot overdose on MSM, so feel free to
experiment. The owner personally takes 2 teaspoons twice per day. Remember that MSM only
remains in the body for 12 hours. So, you must remember to take
MSM twice daily with vitamin C!
What are the symptoms of MSM deficiency?
- Scar Tissue
- Wrinkles
- Damaged Skin
- Lung Dysfunction
- Diabetes
- Sore Joints and Muscles
- Ulcers
- Migraine Headaches
- Alzheimers Dis-ease
- Allergic Reactions
- Candida albacans Infections
- Chronic Fatigue
- Diverticulosis
Scar Tissue
Burn victims often experience skin that is flat, purple
and leathery. After only taking MSM for a few days, one may notice an increase in stamina
and energy. Over time, an astonishing effect on the scarred skin is seen. The skin begins
to turn pink and fill in. Bill Rich, a burn victim, experienced just such effects after
being introduced to MSM by a veterinarian friend. Bill is a walking testimonial to the
benefits of MSM.
When there is a deficiency in MSM in the body, old skin
cells are replaced with new cells that are stiff and contribute to wrinkling. MSM
supplementation helps the body replace bad cells with good, healthy, elastic cells. Over
time, wrinkles, brown and black spots, and skin tumors may go away as new cells replace
the bad.
Damaged Skin
It is the MSM in Aloe Vera leaves that soothes and
repairs skin that has been cut, scraped, burned or damaged. The body then repairs the skin
with the proper raw materials.
Lung Dysfunction
Smoking does not cause emphysema. Horses and dogs get
emphysema, and they dont smoke! Yes, smoking may contribute to the loss of alveoli
and breathing capacity of the lung, but it is the deficiency in sulfur that is believed to
cause this condition. Remember that the body can repair itself if given the proper
building blocks to perform the necessary repairs. Supplementation with MSM is believed to
provide the dietary sulfur that is necessary for the body to maintain the sulfur and
proper nutrients needed to replace smoke-damaged cells with good, healthy cells in those
with emphysema.
Diabetics that have been on the needle for
years may benefit from MSM supplementation. Several testimonials have been given of those
now self-regulating since they have discovered MSM. There has not been medical research
performed to make a proven claim. Only the experiences of others supports this belief.
Sore Joints and Muscles
Testimonials of many athletes attest to the ability of
MSM to increase athletic stamina and eliminate sore muscles! MSM increases the ability of
the body to eliminate wastes and toxins from the cells.
Products designed to relieve ulcers seem to only cover
up the symptoms, doing nothing to relieve the problem.
Migraine Headaches
Women dont have the headaches, hot flashes,
cramps and nausea associated with the monthly premenstrual cycle when using MSM. Even
migraine headaches seem to melt away.
Alzheimers Dis-ease
Aluminum (Al 3+) and lithium (Li 2+) salts that are
trapped in the brain are believed to lead to Alzheimers dis-ease. These salts lie
across the synapses of the neurons in the brain resulting in electrical impulses that are
shorted out. Therefore, the signals in the brain do not travel on their
intended path and result in confusion. Without proper circulation and detoxification, this
condition robs the golden years and causes much emotional pain to victim and
the victims family. MSM facilitates the bodys ability to clean out toxins.
Allergic Reactions
MSM is anti-venom that can quickly bind foreign
proteins resulting from snakebites, black widow bites, flea bites, bee stings and mosquito
bites. MSM is also an anti-oxidant that detoxifies the body.
Candida albacans (Yeast) Infections; Chronic Fatigue
Candida is yeast that normally lives in the colon. If
body pH is in check, Candida cannot live outside the colon. Women sometimes get Candida
yeast infections. When the doctor prescribes an antibiotic, taking the antibiotic causes
an imbalance in the bodys pH and greatly reduces Lactobacillus acidophilus.
This promotes spreading of Candida, resulting in an infection. Upon return to the doctor,
more antibiotics are prescribed resulting in an ongoing cycle of infection. The infection
spreads to the mouth evidenced by the white coating typically seen on the tongue
this is called thrush. It can even get into the brain. When this happens, the term for
this infection is changed to epilepsy. In the blood, Candida will rob the nutrition and
energy from the body, causing a so-called incurable disease, commonly called
chronic fatigue. When the body burns energy it produces toxins. If toxins are not properly
removed, the result is the incurable disease. MSM can facilitate in the
bodys ability to flush toxins.
Diverticulosis is the condition where the large
intestine gets sluggish, clogged and quits pulsing properly. The feces stop moving
properly, and nutrition is not passed through the intestine walls. MSM smoothes the
coating of the intestine with a Teflon-like coating, allowing feces to pass easily through
the intestine. Diverticulosis is believed to be an MSM and vitamin C deficiency.
For our complete line of pure MSM products click here!
Please send Email to: questions@msmshoppe.com
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
disease. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It is not
medical advice and is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health care
professionals. Consult your physician before beginning or making changes in your diet,
supplements or exercise program, for diagnosis and treatment of illness and injuries, and
for advice regarding medications.
Copyright ©2000-2001 MSM Shoppe.com