Arthritis Pain Relief Formula

msm arthritis pain relief dietary supplement

556mg per capsule


Green Tea"Caffeine Free".........430mg

Pure MSM......................................76mg

Three In One is a formula that was put together just a few years ago. At the request of customers, twelve doctors came together to create this amazing combination. Because of the seriousness of drug side effects, it is always good news when a natural product shows promise in helping arthritis sufferers. One such product is cetylmyristoleate, a new and unique compound that is being hailed as possibly one of the most significant nutritional breakthroughs of the 20th century.

 What is Cetylmyristoleate?

Cetylmyristoleate is described as an ester of a fatty acid. Fatty acids act as intracellular messengers and fuel molecules. They are also the building blocks of biological membranes just as amino acids are the components of protein. Science now recognizes the value of certain fatty acids in reducing inflammation as well as blood cholesterol. When the fatty acid myristolic acid (a natural substance) is combined with a long-chain alcohol, an ester of this fatty acid is created.

Cetylmyristoleate appears to function in three different ways. One of its actions is that of a super lubricant for the joints like "WD 40 ". Muscles and other tissues also benefit from the lubricating effect, which also helps to make them more pliable.

Second, cetylmyristoleate functions as an immune system modulator. It is believed to play an important role in autoimmune diseases (lupus, multiple sclerosis) as well as inflammatory conditions. Researchers are not sure how cetylmyristoleate may perform this role, but a possible explanation is that it may help to stimulate certain immune components such as immunoglobulins in its ability to act as an intracellular messenger.

The third function of cetylmyristoleate is believed to be an anti-inflammatory effect. The believed mechanism is regulation of the prostaglandins, short-acting local hormones involved in many processes of the body, including the inflammatory response.

40 million suffer pain and deformity from arthritis in the U.S.!

80 million more endure or suffer using hundreds of OTC drugs

END THE PAIN! 93% success rate. No known health risks.

A farmer from Virginia wrote in one winter saying that he could no longer climb up on his tractor due to severe arthritis in his knees. However, after taking cetylmyristoleate he was back to tending his fields in the spring.

A doctor's wife in Kentucky reported that she has had severe shoulder pain for several years. Her husband gave her cortisone shots on three separated occasions; her relief from pain only last two months. She took Three In One as a booster to ensure the arthritis would go away. She is now thrilled to be able to do simple chores around the house without the pain.

Cetylmyristoleate is believed best to be taken before joints fuse, become crippled, deformed and cartilage dries out. We recommend using Four-In-One to accompany the Three In One treatment to optimize recovery and reconstruction of the joints.


For best results (cartilage and ligament repair) it is recommended that 1-2 capsules 3 times daily of Three In One be taken for 7 days followed by 6 capsules a day of Four-In-One for 7 days. Alternate this way until Three In One is finished. Be sure to read the label instructions. Avoid products that contain alcohol, aspartame, caffeine and nicotine. They inhibit the effectiveness of this product. If you must use these substances, allow 3 hours before taking Three In One.


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cetylmyristoleate and arthritis FAQ's

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 Description  Item #  Price
Three In One Formula Capsules 100ct. 3IN100-M $25.00

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Three In One Formula Capsules 250ct. 3IN250-M $40.00

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health care professionals. Consult your physician before beginning or making changes in your diet, supplements or exercise program, for diagnosis and treatment of illness and injuries, and for advice regarding medications.

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