- methylsufonylmethane -
pure nutritional sulfur

MSM is a natural form of organic sulfur found in all living
organisms. MSM is prevalent throughout the human body. Your body consists of water, salt
and MSM. MSM comes from the ocean and is a prime source of bio-available sulfur, which is
lost from our food by processing, drying, cooking and preserving.
MSM is an important food (not a drug or medicine) and plays
many roles in the body, including the stimulation of the growth of healthy skin, hair and
nails. It is believed needed by the body for healthy, connective tissues and joint
function, proper enzyme activity and hormone balance, along with the proper function of
the immune system.
The body uses MSM to create new, good, healthy cells.
Without proper levels of sulfur, our bodies are unable to build good, healthy cells, and
this leads to illness. Our bodies are producing new cells 24 hours per day. If your body
doesn't receive proper nutrition and building materials, it will produce bad,
dysfunctional cells, deficient in the basic ingredients that constitute a healthy cell.
Because of its volatile nature, MSM is quickly lost from food when it is processed,
cooked and/or stored. With todays modern diet of cooked and otherwise processed and
diluted foods, most, if not all, diets of civilized man are deficient in this critically
important ingredient.
MSM and vitamin C are believed to be used together in the
body to build healthy new cells. MSM provides the flexible bond between amino acids in
proteins. Without sulfur, the new cell is not permeable, and osmosis is hampered. These
cells lose their flexibility as seen by scar tissue, wrinkles, varicose veins, hardened
arteries or damaged lung tissues (emphysema).
MSM is as safe as drinking pure water. Because of its inert
nature, MSM is non-allergenic, non-pyretic, and has no interfering or undesirable
pharmacological effects. You cannot overdose with MSM.
It is estimated that the human body uses approximately 1/8
teaspoon of MSM each day! It needs to be replaced every day! Good health practices involve
replacing essential substances that our bodies naturally use up or lose through illness or
abuse. If you are physically active and get sore muscles after such activity, try 1/2
teaspoon and you will notice a difference. Keep in mind that the body is much more abused
by toxins and free-radicals in the metropolitan cities than in rural areas and may require
more MSM to maintain optimum health. The level of dis-ease your body is experiencing will
also affect the amount of MSM needed to carry out daily function and proper repair of
cells. Some people will take between 1-3 teaspoons depending on the level of energy and
wellness they wish to obtain. You cannot overdose on MSM, so feel free to experiment. The
owner personally takes 2 teaspoons twice per day. Remember that MSM only remains in the
body for 12 hours. So, you must remember to take MSM twice daily.
Suggested Dosage:
1000mg (1/4 tsp.) for every 60lbs. body weight; twice daily.
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Pure MSM Powder 200gm |
MSMP200-M |
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
disease. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It is not
medical advice and is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health care
professionals. Consult your physician before beginning or making changes in your diet,
supplements or exercise program, for diagnosis and treatment of illness and injuries, and
for advice regarding medications.
Copyright ©2000-2001 MSM